Monday, January 2, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Tonight!

Ahhhh, you guys! Pretty Little Liars starts tonight!!!! Pretty Little Liars left off with such a cliffhanger. I'm so anxious to see what happens. I think we’re going to see a lot more of Jason, Jenna, Garrett and (hopefully) Mona during the rest of the season. 
I’m actually thinking it’s about time we find out who A is--there is always room for another A to pop up. Am I right, or am I right?
I’m so excited to see the drama escalate. I really can’t wait to see what happens with Dr. Sullivan. I need to know what A handed to her. There are so many loose ends that are just hanging out there, so I really hope we get some answers!
I do know that once we get one answer, we’ll probably have about 1,000 more questions. It’s glorious. What questions are you hoping get answered this season? 

The Winter Premiere of “Pretty Little Liars” is tonight at 8/7c on ABC Family! Will you be tuning in? I. Can’t. Wait.
Missed some of the nail-biting suspense from last season? Make sure to get all caught up here!
I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Pretty Little Liars.’


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