Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pretty Little Liars is Almost Here!!

One of my favorite episodes of “Pretty Little Liars” is where we left off before the break (thank goodness the winter premiere is January 2!!!! Um. On Mondays at 8 p.m. EST on ABC Family in case you didn’t know, mm kay?).

Anyway, the episode is called, “Over My Dead Body.” Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Emily told their therapist about A... which cannot end well. Now their therapist is missing and the girls need to complete some tasks to save her! 

They are sent these ridiculously creepy dolls and each have to do something that is pretty awful. For example, Hanna has to stop her Dad and Isabel’s wedding. I’ll leave the other tasks for when you watch the episode like I know you will. It’s all rough and I wouldn’t want to do any of it. 

The police get involved and there is also some creepy Garrett/Jenna stuff. We don’t leave the girls in a very good place and I have been dying to know what happens next. All of the previews look crazy! 

This is my favorite episode because it’s so suspenseful. I also love that we get to see the story unfold in little flashbacks. Do you have a favorite episode of “Pretty Little Liars”? 

Missed some of the nail-biting suspense from last season? Make sure to get all caught up here!


 I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'Pretty Little Liars.


  1. I've read the first couple of books in the series, but haven't seen the shows yet, despite my mom badgering me to watch them. I will say Sara Shepard certainly knows how to keep a reader/viewer guessing!


  2. @LoriStrongin

    I love that your mom watches! Mine gave up haha. This show is such a guilty pleasure. :)


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