Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Can you ‘Find the Pretty Little Lies?’

Leading up to the release of Pretty Little Liars: The Complete Second Season on DVD, “Find the Pretty Little Lies” is is a fun game where you can guess who said specific lines from “Pretty Little Liars” or find hidden objects within scenes from the show. The promotion is currently in Week 3, but you can go back and play Weeks 1 and 2 as well! You have the chance to win Heather Belle bags and accessories, as well as DVDs signed by the cast. [I would die!]

So far I have found hidden words in a video, looked for hidden clues in pictures, and identified quotes from the show. It has been really fun! Plus, anything for a chance to win some goodies, am I right? These accessories are pretty awesome looking. The Pretty Little Liars rings and cuffs look super cool. Also, I need that signed DVD. Ah!

The Season 2 DVD releases on 6/5/12. That’s also when the new season starts on ABC Family. Get back into my life, Pretty Little Liars.

I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Pretty Little Liars.


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